A Year In Mill Valley

Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?

I sent an email to Nathaniel’s principal at Tam Valley Elementary School awhile back, and came across it again as I was cleaning out my inbox…I think it’s worth remembering.

Hi Gail,

Got your letter about Nathaniel’s tardies…most, maybe all, of those are my fault. Not that it excuses anything, but maybe if I told you that when I was in high school I only made the bus a handful of times in three years (walked or hitch hiked the rest of the time) it would help you understand a little bit. Anyway, we’ll try and do better next year…

By the way, thank you for doing such a great job at Tam Valley. Nathaniel has been to six different schools (three here, and three in the UK), and the big difference between the schools has all been related to the headmaster/headmistress. Those who are good at their jobs have good schools. Those who are great at their jobs have great schools. And those who are mediocre at their jobs have mediocre schools. Thanks for creating a great school.

By the way, I came across this video that you might enjoy. It’s about 15 minutes, and well worth a watch as he’s both entertaining and interesting.

Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?

With warmest regards,
— Frank Leahy

Nice note back from Gail…


I just watched Sir Ken Robinson’s talk and loved it. We’re always trying to balance the instruction of the basics with promoting creativity, and it’s a tough act. I’ll recommend this blurb to my teachers.

Thanks so much,

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