A Year In Mill Valley

Best. Summer. Ever.

I grew up spending summers on Cape Cod. When I was three years old my Aunt Cayo built a house there, and we spent every summer, all summer, from the day after school got out, until the day after Labor Day, at the Cape, on the water. My last full summer was in 1976 when I taught sailing at Wild Harbor Yacht Club. Since that time other things have come first. Jobs. Travels. Life.

But now the boys are 9 and 5, and it’s time for them to learn to sail, and to experience some of that same wonder and excitement that marked my summers growing up.

We did a house swap this year, and spent 2 1/2 weeks on the Cape, and it was glorious. The weather was perfect. The water was warm and safe. Nathaniel and George (cousin from the UK) learned to sail. And I literally could not have asked for a more perfect summer (except maybe spending a little more time there).

Here’s a movie that shows some of what we did there. Here’s a link to a larger version.

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